
Hi Everyone. Thought I'd introduce myself
3/12/2014 1:26:31 PM
It's great to be a new member at this forum so I thought I'd pop a post in to say hello and introduce myself.
Of course, the best way to learn about me and my business is to take a look at my profile (and my 'webpage') which I have just updated. There is a link there through to my website where I showcase the select few business I am happy to represent.
I'm not going to do a sales pitch here though as that isn't my style. I much prefer treating people with respect and to develop a genuine friendship, so do send me a 'friend' request and we will have plenty of opportunities to learn about each others business as we get to know each other.
You would be doing me a big honour though, if you could just take a moment to 'like' my new Facebook page.

On my site (along the top) you will also find the various networks I hang out at, so if you are more active at any of these, I would welcome you popping by and saying hi. Do send a friend request at any of them.
With that in mind, I will be sure to check in here again very soon and will always welcome your messages.
I look forward to chatting with you again.
All the best for your success.
10+ years working online. genuine one-on-one support to all that take up any of my business opportunities.
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