Gratitude, Thankfulness
Celebrating Life,
Everyday life is a backdrop
for the God within to show up.
Remember to be and feel grateful,
count our blessings, as we
stretch out our hands to each other.
In giving to others, we let go and forgive ourselves
and others.
Letting the Good in, Wholeness, Peace, Joy,
Health, Wealth, and The Goodness
of Life that overflows.
“Take a moment to feel, listen & learn”
The real you, see the true Beauty of Life.
Life overflows with gratitude,
Positive attitude, open Sprit, open heart, warm hugs, friendly pat on the back.
God Bless each and everyone
I am so Grateful for you all in my life.
and So It Is
Julia Washington is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.