Why did you choose this?
Seventeen years ago I was driving one hour to a shift work job with the peddle to the metal. A co-worker showed me the company, products and business opportunty. I relaized then that one of short term benefits would be extended oil change intervals and a higher level of protection for the engine and drive train of my vehicle.
What was it about this, that excited you above all else?
The long term and unlimited propsect of building a revenue source that would make the job look like a chore is the short answer. The fact that retirement was in the picture but inevitable, I began building the reputation amongst my contacts as one they could trust.
What is your business all about in the greater context of your life?
Since my sons, who are my biggest Amsoil fans, encouraged me to get the Amsoil opportunity on the web, they are what I refocus on if I get norrow in my perpspective. Acquaintenences will approach me on the topic of Amsoil even though I don't have it in my mind to bring it into the conversation. I can't imagine why they should bring up the subject.
Although enjoying early "retirement" at a local Tim Hortons, opportunities never cease to share the "Gospel According Amsoil".