Here's the latest from
Eric Thompson's big brain and big heart. I think you and your folks are going to love it.
It is called: Audio Oxygen- Digital Oxygen Therapy For Oxygenating the Brain and Body...
It is a refreshing, focusing, and restoring track that has so many exciting applications that we have barely begun to scratch the surface. But as part of the alpha and beta testing team, I have been working with the products personally and getting the feedback from our brain entrainment pioneers.
Start using it today: Please see the letter below I wrote to our general list for some ideas and what the technology was designed to do and what the reports say it is doing. It is very good!
Blessings, John Dupuy and the iAwake Team iAwake Technologies, LLC Letter to the iAwake List Are you ready for the latest? It is called
Audio Oxygen. Not only am I privileged to be the CEO of this amazing company but I am also on the alpha and beta testing team. In November, Pam and I went on a teaching tour to Holland and Russia. It was fast and furious, amazing, inspiring and somewhat exhausting.
When our flight from Moscow was approaching New York, I found myself dreading the high stress customs rigmarole, with a connecting flight in 45 minutes to Salt Lake City. I was feeling spent, stressed out and quite exhausted, when a little voice inside my head said this would be a great place to test Audio Oxygen. So I whipped out my earbuds and my iPod and turned on the track.
I listened to it for approximately an hour and a half and became deeply relaxed, and how I felt when the plane landed was tired, but in a good way, as if I had completed a strenuous workout, or a long run. I was very relaxed, but my mind was clear and focused, and I was able to get through the whole disembarking, going through customs, getting our luggage, going through security again, then getting on our flight home to Utah very peacefully, and feeling really good.
Pam and I have been home for 2 nights in the last two months and I have found myself relying on Audio Oxygen to keep myself alert, energized and in the zone.
This product was designed to help: - Increase energy
- Better manage pain
- Increase stamina
- Reduce lactic acid buildup
- Increase alertness
- Improve memory and mental functioning
And what our alpha and beta testing teams seem to be reporting is -
it is doing just that. Extraordinary. This is an especially good track, I feel, for mental focus, for reading, studying and writing. I am getting ready to write my next book and I know that Audio Oxygen will be one of my great tools during this new creative period. Get it today - I think you'll love it.
Click here to Download and Listen Now: