“And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
I Have a Dream that calls forth the most powerful Energy there is – God. I speak Its name and It calls forth Itself in Its Entirety. It comes forth in all ways and always because It holds nothing back. It is Everything – Freedom, Grace, Peace, Love, Harmony, Pure Goodness and Pure Faith. It holds nothing back.
It holds nothing back from me. I am born of this freedom, this energy, grace, peace, and love. The spirit that animates my body is the direct impress of everything that has ever been and everyone my family has ever been. Yet, I’m unique – made in the image and likeness of a Divine so pure and loving. I am the only me.
I step forward in consciousness, in this freedom because I am the evolution of my family and of humankind. I am the evolution of the greatest yet to be and so I lend my voice to all of the prayers that have gone before me. I pray for the equality that brings peace. I pray for a time when every child goes to bed safe, fed and loved. I pray for a time when we rejoice at the weddings of every couple, whether they be hetero- or homosexual. I pray that the injustice based on the color of someone’s skin, on their gender, or on their sexual preference is eliminated and instead we all live in harmony. I pray that we celebrate the human race and that we treat each other with the love and peace that is God. There is only one race and it is human.
I am so grateful to live in these times and to know that each of us is the perfect evolution of our humanity. I am so grateful to my brothers and sisters who walk the spiritual path with me at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living and in Science of Mind all over the world. I appreciate the kindness and love I meet in my life and I am grateful each time I see God staring back at me from the eyes of another. Life is good. And so I let it be. And so it is. Amen.
Rev Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.