The Daily Meditation 1.09.2014 God Makes No Mistakes Barbara Kraft, RScP Many of us are thinking of and treating for the New Year. Many people set resolutions to make changes to their behaviors….to stop this or to start that. Ernest Holmes states, there are no mistakes, there are only consequences to actions. “God makes no mistakes”. You are a reflection of this perfect essence so therefore no mistakes have been made in God.
As I reflect on this past year and I see things in my life that are not where I want them to be, I know that I have not made any mistakes but I have made choices that have led me away from the outcome I desire. I look at my actions and going forward chose a different way of being, a way that leads me to my desired way of life. I have not made a mistake, I have made choices. I am so grateful for knowing that I am the perfect reflection of the one powerful source in the universe and as such I reflect that perfection back into the world around me. I move forward with the knowledge and experiences I have gained and I act accordingly. Each day I make decisions that lead me closer to the life I want to live. I look back over the year(s) and bless where I have come from knowing what was there is perfect and has led me to this point in my life. If there is judgement then there will be pain for judgement moves me away from the knowingness that all is good and all is God. I release this judgement and I release the pain. I live in harmony with where I am and where I am going. I focus on my desired outcome and in making decisions that lead me to that goal. If I must be different to attain that goal then I make the necessary changes with ease and grace so that my path is clear and effortless. I know when I look back next year I will have accomplished so much more then I ever imagined. As I know this for me I know this for everyone who reads and contemplates this message for there are no mistakes in God. You are a perfect reflection of the Universal Oneness that I call God. Namaste Barbara Kraft is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ***If you have a prayer request please email it to *** Share The Love by adding this post to your social networks. Thanks!