Thanks again,
I just wanted to say thanks again for visiting My Website and taking the tour.
Up until now, hardly anyone has heard of Joy To Live, but we are now starting our momentum and with a lot of people starting to join, you could miss out on spillover from my efforts. That could represent a lot of money - it could be thousands of dollars every month and $33 isn't much to gamble in order to lock in your position.
We are the fastest growing team in the Joy To Live Company. This is significant for several reasons:
1. We already have some of the best products and the best prices for creating retention rate of customers.
b) We are committed to finding other great products, making them even better, and selling them below the competition.
c) We also have the fairest and best compensation plan for creating the highest retention rate of associates in the industry.
d) Retention rate is what creates "Residual Income" and determines the destiny of any company. The better the retention rate, the bigger a company will ultimately be.
2. Joy To live is taking the same approach that Sam Walton did to become the leader in retail and for this reason, we are becoming known as the discount leader in the network marketing industry.
3. People are tired of company owners that lack integrity; that say one thing and do another; that water down products, change compensation plans as often as they buy a new suit, and overprice their products!
4. People are tired of bad Company Policies that allow company owners to take away their hard earned income at the "sole" discretion of the company.
5. People are tired of convoluted compensation plans that are difficult to understand, and even more difficult to build to a level of income that is respectable.
The days of hype, dishonesty, unfair prices and dinosaur compensation plans are coming to an end, and when the dust finally settles, Joy To Live will stand tall above all the remaining companies in the industry!
I am not asking you to believe what I say, but neither should you turn your back on what could be the best opportunity and the best timing that you may ever get for winning the network marketing game. I invite you to do your own due diligence.
Contact me to access your bonus gift, more videos on the opportunity, products and compensation plan.
These videos have some of the most profound explanations of what makes network marketing work, that you will find at any price! Even if you never join Joy To Live, the education you will receive is invaluable!
And should you decide to jump on board with us, you can also click my Joy To Live link from this same page to get yourself signed up today
Revisit Videos Here:
Live Overview & Training Call
Tuesday 9:00PM EST (Overview)
Thursday 9:00PM EST (Q&A / Training)
(530) 881-1300 Pin: 478932#
Live Webinar Link:
(24hr Playback) 530-881-1399 Pin 478932#
Rashbell Findlayter