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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
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The Perfect Life of the Rio Grande Center
12/29/2013 2:03:57 PM
The Daily Meditation 12.29.2013

The Perfect Life of the Rio Grande Center

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minster

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Perfection is not a finished product or a static state. Perfection means that all that can possibly be known is known right now. Every person knows what they can know in the moment and, therefore, is absolutely perfect in the moment. It is this perfection to which I speak right now.

There is One Perfect Life, a Life so beautiful and sublime that it creates awe in whoever witnesses it. This Life is Beauty, Love, Happiness, Health, Creativity, Perfect Good, Perfect Strength, and I am one with this Life.

I live in its beauty, love, happiness, health, creativity, perfect good and perfect strength. I am the perfection of Good making itself known to me over and over again. I am the absolute freedom of joy helping itself to that very good that is always present everywhere and always. As I know this for me, I know this for every person reading this prayer.

I affirm and declare perfect life for our community in our new space. We are growing and the evidence is everywhere. Word of our community is spreading and every heart that is touched tells others whose hearts are also touched. Every person who is loved and gifted by this spiritual path makes sure to tell all others that the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living is a beautiful spiritual community filled with love, goodness, and positive radiance. All who come are healed and fulfilled and they stay to witness others be healed and fulfilled. It is a good path.

I give thanks right now for the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. I give thanks for the caring and knowing of all the people in the community and I am sure that all of us are blessed by each other and the greater community. I release my word knowing that it is done.

And So It Is.


Rev Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

***If you have a prayer request please email it to ***

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