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Ken Wolff

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You Are What You Think About Most of the Time!
12/26/2013 2:42:13 AM

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Recommended by: Ken Wolff

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: You Are What You Think About Most of the Time!
12/26/2013 4:09:25 AM
Hi Friends,

I am thinking about starting a new group here in Adlandpro. It will be for anyone who is in Surf Sumo.

I know if I think about it long enough and hard enough it will happen...LOL

I just sent this message to my friends in
HotSpotMailer.Join HSM Now

More about HSM in a minute but first here is the message that I sent:
Hi HSM Friends,

Read this in the Adlandpro "Personalized Splash Pages" forum where the graphics and links are live, safe, and clickable.

You are what you think, say, and do most of the time.

Think about the things you would like to see other do. You want help from your upline? Help those who sign up in your downline. You want training for what you are doing? Seek training with a passion. Go to the big meetings, join in on the webinars and conference calls.

Become a leader and provide these things for your referrals.

I joined Surf Sumo a long time ago. I waited to hear from my upline about what to do. I did not hear a thing so I put it on the back shelf.

Recently I saw people earning cash rewards and having fun so I decided to take action.

I had a hard time even logging in. I clicked lost password and it said it sent me the email with my log in details. I could not find it anywhere. Not even in my spam file.

Finally after much persistence I was in. My diligence was not over. I clicked on every page and read everything I could about how to get the most out of this program. It is awesome and I would like to share it with you.

Join Surf Sumo and I will get in touch with you right away. Not only will I help you get the most out of this awesome program we will work together as a team and build a downline to infinite!

You will be able to join from the safe links and graphics in the forum you go to for credits.

Equally as important is to join Adlandpro if you are not already a member.

Go to this URL to join:

Go here to join and mark as your favorite the "Personalized Splash Pages" forum:

I look forward to working with you to not only promote Surf Sumo but any other programs that you are currently promoting.

Ken Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant

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Ken Wolff

join HSM

I had 62,742
credits before I sent the message to 3007 of our randomly selected friends. I clicked on a 35 links to other HSM programs and had 61,460 credits.

Now I can easily go in to my Gmail account and click on any number of 205,437 emails in my saved HSM Messages and get as many credits as I need.

There are
26,592 active members who opt in to receive your messages. More people joining every day. I consider them all to be my friends. Good friends are friends that respond to the messages that you send.

Close Friends are Good Friends that you communicate with often.

Lets be Good Friends...or better yet...Close Friends.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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