OK, so you've seen Pete Bradshaws free video and are wanting a real review.
You want to know if it works right?
Can it be so easy to make money online?
Well, the short answer is YES!!!
I landed on Pete's site a few weeks ago and like you was very skeptical so I
searched around for information but didn't really find anything because the video
had just gone live.
So I decided to take the plunge and order a domain and some hosting
I wasn't really sure what to expect as I've tried similar offers where someone
will build you a website.
However... this seemed very different from the start as he was paying professionals to build it
Firstly, I wasn't sent some site builder or anything in order to build my own
This was a custom site built by Pete and his team
Secondly, it wasn't just a basic free site... It was something I'd happily pay
good money for.
So I was feeling good, I had a brand new custom partner commission site set up
working as an affiliate for Clickbank... I was told this is where some big money is
been made at the moment.
I followed the traffic instructions in Petes second training video... It was
really easy actually... No hard work was involved.
So it was all up and running... I waited 24 hours and checked my account but it
was still at $0
I emailed support and they got back to me within a few hours saying it can take a
couple of days to get going.
The next day I checked and I had made $68 commission... Even though it's not a
lot of money I was really excited as it's the first money I've made online.
Over the next few days the earnings just kept building and building and within 8
days I'd made my first $1,000.
Partner With Pete is really different from anything else out there... It
actually works
So I've told you my experience... It's up to you now if you want take the plunge
like I did.
I just wanted to get the word out that this is for real
You can watch the video again by clicking below...