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Don’t Think of Auctions as Only The New Kid on The Block
11/8/2013 3:53:37 PM

Don’t Think of Auctions as Only The New Kid on The Block

Real estate auctions, are they really something new? For those that have been buying and selling real estate for a decade or two, the answer might be yes? But is that really true? If you stop and think about it, real estate auctions have been around for quite some time...Read More

Calling All Listing Agents: Our Auctions are Open to You, Too

Calling all Listing Agents! Do you have a property that has been sitting on the market? Wouldn’t it be terrific to sell it before the listing expires? We have the perfect solution for you. Put it in our end-of-the-year Multi-State Auction on December 7th, 2013...Read More

Our Raleigh, NC Executive Analyzes Auctions vs. Traditional Listings

When done right, an auction is more than a fast and simplified way of selling real estate compared to the traditional method.

Holly Springs, NC and surrounding area homeowners and sellers should consider the auction method for the following advantages:...Read More

Civil War-era Mansions Rarely Seen for Sale in The South

We have came a long way since the days of Lincoln.

The area around the south in the middle 1800s was a very tough time, with the Civil War taking all the prime, strong young men and putting them in a war they where bound to come back handicapped for the rest of their lives or maybe even worse, dead...Read More

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