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Gratitude for Love and Forgiveness
11/7/2013 2:05:21 PM

The Daily Meditation 11.07.2013

Gratitude for Love and Forgiveness

Chris Duvall, RScP

Chris Duvall, RScP“The mind that condemns understands not the truth of being, and the heart that would shut the door of its bosom to one who is mistaken strangles its own life.” – Ernest Holmes

All is awash in a great river of Love. As I look to the Source of the flow of Love – to its Cause – I know that in Its highest and innermost individual and collective Truth, It is One Substantial Reality. This One Reality is my source and flows through me to cleanse, to heal, and to supply me with Its presence, power, intelligence, and all that I need to live fully and free. As this is true for me, it is true for all, for all are expressions of this One Life, and all carry Its Essence. As each recognizes, acknowledges, and taps into Source, It serves each one to the measure It is honored and claimed.

In November we gratefully count our blessings, and I am especially thankful for divine gifts of love and forgiveness. As Love flows through me, I claim Its gift for myself and I willingly offer it to others. Although the human part of me may experience emotional upset due to someone else’s actions resulting in an appearance of discord, I have spiritual knowledge that no harm is done to Substantial Reality alive at my core. I know that the One Essence glowing at the center of both me and the other suffers no sense of separation. With this understanding, I can gracefully give up judgmental human perceptions and accompanying discordant feelings for the joy of Source’s deep connection and peaceful energy of life. I speak my word that a wide recognition and acceptance of Oneness heals hurting relationships and ultimately frees the world into Peace. I speak my word for a deep healing and release within each human heart, and for the broad development of peaceful understandings and skills, that the Flow of Love may illumine all the Earth.

I am grateful because I know that this word is heard and that Source is now in service of it. I release it into Law and declare that it is so. And so it is.

Chris Duvall is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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