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Bob Dull

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Learn how to win prospects and influence income
10/28/2013 8:52:30 AM
How To Win Prospects And Influence Income--By Bill Weber

FREE Marketing Course for anyone who wants to learn to sponsor like the PRO'S

Bill was the #4 earner in his first real company 20 years ago. On line he was the top earner in 2 companies with millions of people in his down lines, a 7 figure earner and worth listing to. His son is the owner of MyNetworkingPro (formally DirectMatches) Currently, Bill holds the highest rank in Preservation of Wealth, 5 star executive. He has some valuable, free, advice for everyone.

You will learn how to pick the winners. Avoid the common mistakes. The value of personal communications. The value of team work and how to start a team. How to recruit. How to use the phone with out making cold calls and many other business, building, tips.

"Superior networking...Shoot for the stars...Aim for the top of the pay plan... If you fail, you win" Bill Weber
Leading The Wise To Wealth

Uniting like minded people together to ensure the success of the group. T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More! Free lead capture page and autoresponder.