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Why ClixSense is my #1 choice among paid-to-click sites:
10/22/2013 7:47:55 PM
I've been studying a lot of PTC sites (paid-to-click) and here are several reasons why ClixSense is the best, in my opinion:

1. "ClixCents" for completed "offers" at ClixSense are immediately added to our account main balance, not held for 30 days such as at other PTC sites, which hold the "coins" or "bux" for a month before releasing payment to us. (Offers are from Matomy, PeanutLabs, SuperRewards, SuperSonicAds, TokenAds, and ClixOffers. "Offers" may include: surveys, paid-to-signup, downloads of games or toolbars, contest entries, giveaways, watching short videos, or paid-to-call offers.)

2. There are cash prizes every week for the top 10 members who complete "tasks" at ClixSense, the person who completes the most tasks per week gets $50. PLUS each time we complete a total $50 in tasks, no matter how long it takes, we get a $5 bonus! (Tasks are not the same as Offers. Tasks are also known as mini-jobs, ClixSense has Crowdflower tasks, we get paid for completing micro-sourced tasks/jobs.)

3. Completing the Daily CheckList gives a 5% bonus to free members, or a 12% bonus to upgraded members, figured on each day's income. The daily checklist is easy and takes a short time, just click a few ptc ads, make 20 clicks on the grid, visit at least 1 forum page, and complete 2 offers, many offers are very short.

4. Free members get $2 per each upgraded personal referral, plus 50 cents per each personal referral who earns $10. Upgraded members get $2 per each upgraded personal referral, plus $1 per each upgraded referral on 7 more levels, plus $1 per each personal referral who earns $5.

The upgrade at ClixSense is only $17 per year, that's less than 5 cents per day, it also doubles the amount of clicks you can make on the ClixGrid daily, up to 60 daily chances to win $10, and more ads to click, and higher percentage from referrals' clicks.

ClixSense pays twice per week to members in North America by online payment processor, after the initial payment by postal mail. (Other countries are paid monthly by postal mail.)

In my opinion, it's easier to earn here than at any other PTC site, even if you're a free member. You can also use your account balance to upgrade, so basically, you can use your time for the upgrade, instead of your own money.

Thanks for reading! Sincerely, Kathleen

If you can find 1 person to upgrade per week, and communicate with that person to promote their ClixSense link and do the same, find 1 person per week and communicate with them to upgrade & promote, that's how we'll build a team of upgraded members.

When we each get 2 upgraded members per 8 levels, that will amount to $512 each, and when we each get 3 upgraded members per 8 levels, that will amount to $9,843 each, and getting 4 will amount to $86,360 each. If we each bring in 1 upgraded referral per week, and they do the same, we can each accumulate approximately 6 figures within less than 2 months.

It's also important to utilize the ClixSense, even if only for a few minutes daily to go thru the Daily Checklist and get the cash bonus!

Remember, the yearly upgrade is only $17, that averages out to less than 5 cents per day. Thanks for joining today and upgrading as soon as you can!

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Why ClixSense is my #1 choice among paid-to-click sites:
10/25/2013 7:13:46 PM
I upgraded in ClixSense last night, using my earnings. I had been thinking about it for awhile and then reading the forum there helped me decide to upgrade, when I read the moderator's post that upgraded members would see lots of ptc ads immediately after upgrading. Yes, there were dozens of 1-cent and half-cent ads that appeared within 2 minutes after I upgraded, so I earned 22 cents from those within minutes, and then after midnight, the ads reset and there were lots more, and I also am now getting 12% bonus from doing the daily checklist instead of 5%, so upgrading was a good decision and it's easier & faster to earn.
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Why ClixSense is my #1 choice among paid-to-click sites:
10/25/2013 8:37:17 PM
More reasons why I highly recommend ClixSense:

ClixSense aggressively directs traffic to the advertisers who pay for Grid ads, while other PTC sites do not. ClixSense's daily checklist requires at least 20 clicks on the grid in order to qualify for a daily bonus.

ClixSense does not rent referrals, other sites do, but ClixSense publicly states that it doesn't believe in renting referrals, we never know if they will click or not. Renting referrals is a gamble of our money on the activity/inactivity of worldwide strangers.

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Why ClixSense is my #1 choice among paid-to-click sites:
10/27/2013 7:41:57 PM
Below is some general information to help you get started and realize in general, how ClixSense works.

Earning with ClixSense:

1. You earn when viewing advertisers ads
2. You earn when your directly sponsor new members
3. You earn when your direct referrals view ads
4. You earn when your direct referrals purchase advertising
5. You earn when you win cash in the 'ClixGrid'
6. You earn when completing tasks
7. You earn when your direct referrals complete tasks

Optional Premium Membership:

Premium members are those members that have upgraded at the low, $17 per year. As a premium member you:

1. Are entered into an 8 level uni-level system (thereby earning potential is virtually limitless)
2. Earn more overall
3. Earn residuals

Cashing Out Your Earnings:

ClixSense offers numerous cash out options. There's an option for everyone.
Every time you accumulate a minimum of $8, you may cash out. As a premium
member, you may cash out every time you have accumulated $6 in earnings.

Advertising Options:

Advertisers have found that ClixSense is a top notch affordable system when it comes to advertising. Targeted advertising along with various demographics to
choose, in addition to it's highly secure system, can net big results. Members may optionally use earnings for advertising. ClixSense has a Daily CheckList in which members are
incentivized with a cash bonus to click numerous times per day on the ClixGrid. Most other PTC sites don't offer cash incentives for grid views, ClixSense does a lot to make sure
advertisers are getting their money's worth, even with grid advertising!

ClixSense Community Message Board:

It's a great place to meet with thousands of ClixSense members, view helpful tips, see member payout proofs, ask questions, get answers, and simply have

I greatly appreciate you joining my organization at ClixSense. You have entered into the most incredible program online today. Founded in early 2007, ClixSense
is un-matchable within the PTC industry. ClixSense helps you turn pennies into dollars, offers targeted specific advertising (members are eager to see your
offers), fun, secure, ethical, legal, incorporated, and trustworthy.

I'm excited to have welcomed you to ClixSense. Very appreciative and so very
much looking forward to hearing from you. My contact information is below.

Best Regards,
Kathleen VanBeekom
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Why ClixSense is my #1 choice among paid-to-click sites:
12/28/2013 9:09:47 PM
If you can find 1 person to upgrade per week, and communicate with that person to promote their ClixSense link and do the same, find 1 person per week and communicate with them to upgrade & promote, that's how we'll build a team of upgraded members.

When we each get 2 upgraded members per 8 levels, that will amount to $512 each, and when we each get 3 upgraded members per 8 levels, that will amount to $9,843 each, and getting 4 will amount to $86,360 each. If we each bring in 1 upgraded referral per week, and they do the same, we can each accumulate approximately 6 figures within less than 2 months.

It's also important to utilize the ClixSense, even if only for a few minutes daily to go thru the Daily Checklist and get the cash bonus!

Remember, the yearly upgrade is only $17, that averages out to less than 5 cents per day. Thanks for joining today and upgrading as soon as you can!

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