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Richard Mathiason

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Praising the Evolution of My Soul
10/20/2013 12:37:58 PM

The Daily Meditation 10.20.2013

Praising the Evolution of My Soul

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

There is One Life and that Life is Perfect. From this One Life, all life emanates. Creation and creativity happen from the self-contemplation of the One Life, and all life in every dimension is a manifestation of It and evolves from It. I am so aware of this and recognize the Life that indwells all being. It is All Principle including Love, Health, Joy, Goodness, Abundance, and Grace.

I am one with this Life. Like it, I am love, health, joy, goodness, abundance, and grace. I am that which it is, and I align with it. As I know this for me, I know this for every person who reads this prayer right now.

I affirm and declare that all is well. My vision for the evolution of my Self is the evolution of the soul, and it speaks to me loud and clear. Every action necessary for my own realization for my higher self is taken easily and effortlessly. Any self-sabotage falls away never to return. Any unnecessary self-talk falls away and I see myself through the eyes of the Divine. Life loves me unconditionally and I adopt that life for myself.

I am so grateful. My own heart sings with the grace that I have adopted and truly all is well. Knowing this is true, I release my word. It is done. And so it is.

Rev Martha Quintana is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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