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Richard Mathiason

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There is One. One life, One love, One Spirit.
9/23/2013 1:08:03 PM

The Daily Meditation 09.23.2013

There is One. One life, One love, One Spirit.

Rev Bonny Allen Rice, Minister

Rev Bonny Allen Rice, Minister ”This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.”
John 15:12
The essence of love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul and proclaims the Spirit.
Science of Mind Text Ernest Holmes Page 478:5
There is One. One life, One love, One Spirit. That One is all, constantly creating in, thru and around all. In this sacred moment, in my union with Spirit I choose to contemplate the thought of Love as it expresses thru me. From a deep consciousness of “love one another,” this day and every activity is based on the thought and feelings that move into an expression of Love. I choose it.
This truth is present for me and for every other being in the world. This truth is a reality for everyone every where. The essence and the grace of this truth walks with each person in their diversity as they celebrate love in its fullness. We are One love expressing in ways known and unknown.
In deep and abiding Gratitude I release and I let go for the greater expression and unfolding
of this belief. And so it is and so I let it be.

Rev Bonny Allen Rice is a Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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