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Jim Allen

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Useful Idiots Help Make it a Law Now they Want Exempted!
9/14/2013 4:40:21 PM
Heather Ginsberg

It looks like Indiana University is joining the quickly growing group of employers who simply can’t afford to foot the bill for their employees’ health care. As many as 50 university employees could see a termination letter soon if the university will have to fund the Obamacare mandated health care. Once again we can see practical issues with Obamacare and how it boils down to the everyman. Check out this news report in order to see what it’s all about.

The University already spends $215 million on health insurance each year? These costs are out of control. Who would blame the university for wanting to cut their budget costs? When will President Obama realize that the consequences of Obamacare are not only hurting private industry, but it is now reaching into our public sector? Education must not be corrupted by this flawed health care bill

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Useful Idiots Help Make it a Law Now they Want Exempted!
2/22/2014 4:45:22 PM
It has not gotten much better has it. Where's CONGRESS???!
Heather Ginsberg

It looks like Indiana University is joining the quickly growing group of employers who simply can’t afford to foot the bill for their employees’ health care. As many as 50 university employees could see a termination letter soon if the university will have to fund the Obamacare mandated health care. Once again we can see practical issues with Obamacare and how it boils down to the everyman. Check out this news report in order to see what it’s all about.

The University already spends $215 million on health insurance each year? These costs are out of control. Who would blame the university for wanting to cut their budget costs? When will President Obama realize that the consequences of Obamacare are not only hurting private industry, but it is now reaching into our public sector? Education must not be corrupted by this flawed health care bill

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Useful Idiots Help Make it a Law Now they Want Exempted!
5/7/2014 10:17:40 PM

Confirmed: Many of Obamacare's 'Eight Million Enrollments' are Duplicates

Guy Benson | May 07, 2014

We've been throwing cold water on the administration's so-called exchange "enrollment" figures for months, and for good reason: They're incomplete to the point of deception. The Washington Post reported back in November that official tabulations were including anyone who's "selected a plan," which is the equivalent of placing an item in a virtual shopping cart online, regardless of whether the check-out and payment steps ever took place. At Kathleen Sebelius' behest, the House Energy and Commerce Committee contacted every insurer listed as a participant in the federal exchange at in order to discern how many of these "sign ups" translated into paid enrollments. The initial batch of information, based on data through mid-April, revealed a paltry payment rate of 67 percent. When the official totals are finally revisited to include the state exchanges (whose performances are widely varying), and numbers from the late sign-up surge, the final payment statistics will likely shift. Some large insurers testified today that they've experienced payment rates in the low-80s range, which is closer to experts' estimated ballpark prior to the release of the committee's report -- problems with which we highlighted here. What is almost certainly the case is that the genuine enrollment figure is seven figures lower that the White House-touted one. Phil Kerpen catches yet another inflationary ingredient in HHS' propaganda brew, the extent of which we don't yet know:

The existence of some significant number of duplicate enrollments isn't a surprise to anyone who's been following Obamacare's implementation process. While's front end was collapsing over the first few months, many would-be enrollees' sign-ups were sucked into the website's black hole. Unsure about whether any of their information had been transmitted, consumers were encouraged to go though the process again. Some did so multiple times. The screenshot in that tweet comes from a report prepared by America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) for Congress. It confirms that "many" of the sign-ups being celebrated as "enrollments" are in fact various iterations of the same person's enrollment efforts. Phil asks "how do you not even [de-duplicate]?" The answer is pretty straightforward: The online "reconciliation" system that would perform this Herculean task through automation is still under construction -- and may not be ready for months (beyond the eight months that have already elapsed). That's why the administration's enrollment statistics are useless in the aggregate. They just manufactured the largest-sounding number possible and heralded it as exciting proof that the "law is working" and the "debate is over." Much of the media blindly repeated the number, some going so far as to pant excitedly about an Obamacare "winning streak." As we noted earlier in the week, the American people have obstinately declined to hop aboard that bandwagon:

Obamacare is as unpopular as ever (41/55), with a 17-point intensity gap on the question. The law's much-hailed "winning streak" has failed to materialize in public polling, as its "accomplishments" appearincreasingly dubious. Average Americans do not share Democrats' misplaced triumphalism. Quoth Pew, "the share disapproving of [Obamacare] is as high as it ever has been in the four-year history of the law.”

We've seen fresh warning signs of the bad news yet to come: Additional cancellation notices and major premium increases, disproportionately impacting consumers in the small group market. The Las Vegas Review-Journal story offered a stark reminder of what's on tap, but again, none of it is a surprise. The administration itself acknowledged earlier this year that the vast majority of American small businesses would experience increased costs due to Obamacare. I'll leave you with a health insurance CEO discussing whether or not the new law is reducing "uncompensated care" and Emergency Room visits -- which was one of its many selling points:

The definitive study on this question has shown that Obamacare (particularly through expanding the broken Medicaid program) is making this problem more acute, not alleviating it. Massachusetts experienced the same uptick under Romneycare. Politicians should retire this talking point because it is empirically false.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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