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Join NOW FREE pre-launch......
9/5/2013 2:38:22 PM
Yep, that's right, join in pre-launch FREE with no obligations and see if this can help grow your current biz or you can use it as your main biz if you don't have one yet. Set to launch on Sept. 26 but test drive it now for FREE and see what happens. No obligation, just check it out:
Kevin H. KnhInc.
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Join NOW FREE pre-launch......
9/6/2013 12:02:30 AM

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for posting this ad about the pre-launch.... Awesome timing! I just ran into another one of my programs with a loyalty bonus.

It is called List Jumper

I will pay your ad forward by jumping to the top of the list and send your ad to my friends and followers there.

  • There are 0 members in line ahead of you.
  • There are 17675 members in line behind you.
  • Your current Line position is # 1


Yep, that's right, join in pre-launch FREE with no obligations and see if this can help grow your current biz or you can use it as your main biz if you don't have one yet. Set to launch on Sept. 26 but test drive it now for FREE and see what happens. No obligation, just check it out:

Just One A Day!

Can you read just one mail per day to earn greater
and greater rewards each day?

List Jumper has introduced consecutive loyalty

The longer you go by reading at least one email
per day, the more advertising you earn... and
there is no limit to how big the prizes can
get or how many consecutive days you can go!

See it for yourself and start sending
your own ads to this responsive list!

Click here to discover more about
List Jumper and to join!

To your success,

Ken Wolff

P.S. Claim reward code: NEWJUMPER after
you join to get 300 bonus credits just
for reading your first 10 mails!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Join NOW FREE pre-launch......
9/6/2013 1:11:08 AM
Hi Kevin!

Thanks again for posting your ad. You made my day. Actually, you have changed my daily routine. I am going to take advantage of the daily rewards that ListJumper has to offer.

Here is the message we just sent to 1,200 of our randomly selected friends from the top of the list:

Hi [fname],

My friend Kevin Huska placed the following ad in the Alandpro "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" forum. We are paying it forward to our friends and followers here in List Jumper.

You too can get your ads paid forward and what a great place to advertise this wonderful program with a loyalty bonus. More about that in a minute but first here is Kevin's ad:
Yep, that's right, join in pre-launch FREE with no obligations and see if this can help grow your current biz or you can use it as your main biz if you don't have one yet. Set to launch on Sept. 26 but test drive it now for FREE and see what happens. No obligation, just check it out:
Kevin H. KnhInc.
To get your ads paid forward you must first be a member of Adlandpro. Go to this URL to join:

Then join the "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" Forum.

Description: Have a program that rewards you every day for logging in? Promote them here and get them paid forward. Affiliate links, banners and graphics are welcome in this forum. Click to join the forum and add as a favorite.

Read Kevin's ad in the forum you go to for credits where you can join and comment, ask questions or give your testimonials.

Warm regards,

Ken Wolff
One more thing. I must tell you I am an affiliate marketer. I have said it before but I want to mention it again. I do not do this to make a profit. If I should happen to earn more than I spend in this or any other program because you joined and took advantage of a OTO to upgrade, I will donate 100% of the profits to your favorite charity or mine.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Join NOW FREE pre-launch......
9/6/2013 6:35:42 PM
Hi again Kevin!

We guarantee 100 visits to your ad in this forum. I was surprised that only 65 came here from
List Jumper.

Please let us know if you if you get a positive response from your ad. In order to get you up to over 100 visits we are sending out another promotion to 3007 of our Randomly selected friends in HotSpotMailer.Join HSM Now

Here is the message we sent:
Subj: Join NOW FREE pre-launch......
Hi HSM Friends,

Read this message in the forum you go to for credits where the graphics and links are live, safe, and clickable.

My friend Kevin Huska placed the following ad in the Alandpro "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" forum. We are paying it forward to our friends and followers here in HSM.
Yep, that's right, join in pre-launch FREE with no obligations and see if this can help grow your current biz or you can use it as your main biz if you don't have one yet. Set to launch on Sept. 26 but test drive it now for FREE and see what happens. No obligation, just check it out:
Kevin H. KnhInc.
To get your ads paid forward you must first be a member of Adlandpro. Go to this URL to join:

Then join the "Programs with Loyalty Bonuses" Forum.

Description: Have a program that rewards you every day for logging in? Promote them here and get them paid forward. Affiliate links, banners and graphics are welcome in this forum. Click to join the forum and add as a favorite.

Read Kevin's ad in the forum you go to for credits where you can join and comment, ask questions or give your testimonials.

Warm regards,

Ken Wolff

P. S. One more thing. I must tell you I am an affiliate marketer. I have said it before but I want to mention it again. I do not do this to make a profit. If I should happen to earn more than I spend in this or any other program because you joined and took advantage of a OTO to upgrade, I will donate 100% of the profits to your favorite charity or mine.
HotSpotMailer - Get Unlimited Email Ads & Unlimited Bucks

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once a week or once a day?

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*Don't hesitant and give it a try!


Ken Wolff

join HSM

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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