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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Click Emails...The 1st Loyalty Rewards Program.
9/4/2013 3:01:12 AM

This is the first of many programs that offer loyalty Bonuses for logging in every day.

Be the next one to add a program with your affiliate links and graphics.


What is that?

Good question!

It is part of the loyalty rewards for logging in every day at
Click Fred E-mails

If you log in every day during the week, you will get this additional bonus! Login Weekly Bonus! 10000 Points. It looks like I missed Thursday. I won't let that happen again.

Now I must tell you I am an affiliate of this program and could earn a commission if you take advantage of upgrading.

However, I honestly am not in telling you about this to make money. I am giving you a chance to join this because it is a great new mailer.

Here is what I will do. If I receive a commission, I will donate it to your favorite charity or to mine. Just let me know if you want it to go to yours by posting a link to it in a new response in this thread.

Here is the best way to join
Click Fred E-mails:

1. Go to The Soaring Eagle Team in Facebook and click the Like button at the top.

2. Find this in the Recent Post by Others on The Soaring Eagle Team(it is 7 post down):

This is an awesome promotion of Click Fred E-mails our friend Herbie introduced us to. If anyone joins Click Fred from this promotion I will pin it to the top and make it a high priority downline builder to infinity!

3. After you join ClickFred Emials from the latest link, place your affiliate link in a new comment on the Facebook page.

4. We will work as a team to promote your downline to Infinity in this thread.

join Click Fred E-mails

Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team