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Notification of scam sites.
3/28/2005 5:11:32 PM
Hi everyone. I hope you all had a good easter & a pleasant restful day. Pity the scammers don't take a day off.. I have been doing some research today & I have found a few sites that may, or may not be of interest to any of you that are trying out the PTR (paid to read) opportunity's. _________________ I hope this will be of some interest to you. I will be researching more as every day I can stand sitting here at the P.C a little longer, guess the pain killing drugs are working, or I'm recovering faster this time from the operation.
Re: Notification of scam sites.
5/8/2005 8:08:11 PM
Anthony, Here is a Scam email that I received the other day that may be of interest to some of the members! I never contacted customer service! Thank you for contacting PayPal Customer Service. In an effort to assist you as quickly and efficiently as possible, please direct all customer service inquires through our website. Click on the hyperlink below to go to the PayPal website. After entering your email address and password into the Member Log In box, you can submit your inquiry via our Customer Service Contact form. If you indicate the type of question you have with as much detail as you can, we will be able to provide you with the best customer service possible. If your email program is unable to open hyperlinks, please copy and paste this URL into the address bar of your browser. If you are contacting PayPal because you are unable to log into your account, please use the contact form below. Thank you for choosing PayPal! This email is sent to you by the contracting entity to your User Agreement, either PayPal Inc or PayPal (Europe) Limited. PayPal(Europe) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK as an electronic money institution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: When you click on links in this email, you will be asked to log into your PayPal Account. As always, make sure that you are logging into a secure PayPal page by looking for '' at the beginning of the URL. Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address will not be answered. ******************************************** Original Email: If you are unable to access this message for some reason, you can also get the online version here: --
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