How much life can any man experience? “As much as he can embody.”
Ernest Holmes
God is life and love; there is nothing else. And, God is SO awesome. It gives us everything we ask for; all we have to do is accept it. In accepting God, we accept life, love and everything related to life and love…joy, harmony, beauty, clarity, kindness and so much more.
I am one with God and I am life and love. I am immersed in God’s awesomeness. I accept all God’s qualities as qualities that I experience both within myself and in others. I absorb joy, harmony, beauty, clarity, kindness and all other God qualities. As I know this is true for me, I know it is true for each person reading this prayer. Each person only has to accept the God qualities that are life.
Knowing that I am an expression of God, I live my life every day in acceptance. I accept all the good God has to offer me. I wake up each day in gratitude. I purposely go through the day awake and aware of all that I have. I live every day aware of the perfection unfolding around me and through me. At the end of the day, I reflect on everything that has happened throughout the day and I exclaim, “YES, God is awesome and life is good”.
And, I am so grateful. Grateful for the truth of who I am; grateful for a full life. I accept God’s love and live life abundantly, and for that I am thankful. I accept all the good that God has to offer and I know I am worthy to receive that good. Thank you God for your joy, harmony, beauty, clarity, kindness and more.
I release these words into the law knowing that as I speak them, they are done. I know that God’s life is my life now and forever.
And so it is.