My soul starts singing of the Divine even before the sun rises. It rests in the knowing that it knows, and when I allow myself to feel the full power of my own soul-fullness, I simply rest in faith and know that all is well.
This morning I invoke and evoke the Divine and know that as I do, I invoke and evoke every living creature everywhere. The Life of the I AM is my life and I stand in the I AM of Abundance, Beauty, Truth, Health, Life, Love, Service, Creativity, Divine Unfolding. I am what IT is and the fiber of my being is born of It.
Knowing the totality of my being exists right here and right now, I affirm and declare abundance, beauty, truth, and health. Every action I take contributes my own joy and as I revel in this happiness, it spreads to every person I encounter and to every person who reads this prayer. I am part of all that is and I am part of the fabric of life. Therefore, I claim appreciation, goodness, health, and happiness. I claim it and see my own perfection. I claim it and see the perfection of everyone else. It’s a good day.
So I give thanks. I am alive with gratitude, and I appreciate all of the love that I personally experience and that everyone outside of me experiences. I am filled with the grace of God and I am so glad that there are no obstacles to this experience. I am grateful for every single person who is part of or who acknowledges the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living. Together we are building a world that works for everyone – I am so grateful.
I release this word and know it is done.
And So It Is. Amen.