To know and not to put to use is not to know. It is to lose. If you learn about something and you do not apply it then you have not learned a thing. That is no different than taking your undergraduate liberal arts courses and not using it to make money. Specialized knowledge is ongoing learning and applying what you have learned as soon as the teacher has taught you what you need to know. Because if you do not take action immediately you will not be taking action at all.
Think about when you follow up with a prospect. You do so within 48 hours at MAX 72 hours because if you do not do that then he will lose interest. In other words the longer you wait to make a decision your enthusiasm increases and your fear decreases. And what you have learned is not fresh in your mind.
For that reason you must create a plan of action and add activities that your mastermind has taught you. You do not need to know the knowledge to get start it. You do what the expert did to get their results. The word "I don't know" is acceptable because you are training your prospect to do what you are doing from the minute that you are opening up your mouth.
And remember you must have a goal with a deadline. Because if you do not have a deadline then all you are doing is day dreaming. If you reach a certain pin level before the deadline then go on to the next level because you want to avoid being satisfied because then your mind gets rusty and it is tough to get back in the game.
Lawrence Bergfeld