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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
7/26/2013 12:32:39 PM

The Daily Meditation 07.26.2013


Kathy Azar, RScP

Kathy Azar, RScP

I recently taught a class based on the book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything” by Neale Donald Walsch. Little did I know how pertinent this would be to my own life. Change is truly the one constant in our lives. These changes can appear to be good or they can appear to be bad. It all depends on how we choose to view them. If we truly believe that our lives are divinely guided, then he must accept that all change is for our highest good. So, my Spiritual Mind Treatment today addresses change. I hope that it is helpful to all of you who are experiencing changes in your lives.

I absolutely know that there is One Source……one magnificent Power…… Truth…….one Love… Spirit and I choose to call that source God. God is in, around and through all things. We are always and in all ways completely immersed in God’s loving presence.

And I know that I am one with that omnipotent source. No matter where I am or what I’m doing I know that Spirit resides within me…..guiding and protecting me. I absolutely know that God and I are one.

So at this time I affirm that my life is unfolding in divine perfection. I accept and embrace all the changes that are occurring in my life right here right now. I know that they are for my highest good. I know that amidst any sort of perceived chaos, my good shines through. I am a beacon shining God’s light in all situations. I am calm, cool and joyous knowing that it is all good and it is all God. Life is good!!

I am so very grateful for all of the good in my life. I am grateful for God’s love and guidance. I am grateful for the teachings of Science of Mind that help me to remember that I truly have the ability to co-create my life. I am grateful for all of my many friends in my spiritual community that hold the Truth for me when I cannot see it for myself.

So with I deeply grateful heart, I let it go. I release my words out into the Universal Law know it is already done.

And so it is!!

Kathy Azar is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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