Hi There,
=> You Need Not Wait For Matrix To Fill & EARN You start earning as soon as the bottom row of your matrix begins to FILL !!
=> With Only $2.40 You can Earn Over $10,000 in Commissions !!(cash)(party)
AutoFlo is a Forced Matrix Follow Your Sponsor (( It is Possible to purchase ahead of your Sponsor )) !!!
Phase 1
- You earn $4 when you fill the first 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You receive 2 free re-entries when you fill the next 2 spots on the bottom row.
- When you complete the matrix you cycle and receive a free entry into Phase 2.
Phase 2
- You earn $20 when you fill the first 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You receive 2 free re-entries when you fill the next 2 spots on the bottom row.
- When you complete the matrix you cycle and receive a free entry into Phase 3.
Phase 3
- You earn $100 when you fill the first 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You receive 2 free re-entries when you fill the next 2 spots on the bottom row.
- When you complete the matrix you cycle and receive a free entry into Phase 4.
Phase 4
- You earn $500 when you fill the first 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You receive 2 free re-entries when you fill the next 2 spots on the bottom row.
- When you complete the matrix you cycle and receive a free entry into Phase 5.
Phase 5
- You earn $2000 when you fill the first 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You receive 2 free re-entries when you fill the next 2 spots on the bottom row.
- You earn $5000 when you complete the matrix.
Only $2.40 STP (( EGOPAY SOON )) !!
Admin Info: TIM HAYS