Vaccines have been one of the biggest scams perpetrated.
I recently listened to a gentleman who received the polio
vaccine in the 50's and 4 days later he had polio. When
you look at vaccines with common sense and what is in
them you will know that for good health you want to stay
far away from them. It's all about money. I hope that more
people will become informed with the truth so that people
quit sacrificing themselves and their children on the altar
of the drug companies. Below is another tragedy that didn't
have to happen.
At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine
Ethan A. Huff
Natural News
Jan 23, 2013
Bill and Melinda Gates have been on a crusade for at least the past decade to vaccinate every single child on the planet. And one of their primary geographical targets has been the continent of Africa, where poor sanitations and lack of clean water have created conditions in which diseases like meningitis and malaria run rampant. But rather than try to meet these basic needs, the multi-billionaires and their many allies have instead thrust vaccines on indigenous populations as the solution, which has in turn sparked a wave of paralysis among Africa’s younger populations.
As covered by investigative journalist Christina England over at Vactruth.com, the small village of Gouro in northern Chad, for instance, recently fell victim to the dark side of this vaccine agenda after at least 50 youth in the area developed paralysis following vaccination with “MenAfriVac,” a new meningitis vaccine developed specifically for Africa. Touted as a preventive cure for meningitis, MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children, some of whom were as young as seven, to suffer hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis.
According to a cousin of two of the vaccine-injured children, the horrific side effects of MenAfriVac began to appear within 24 hours of its administration. Many of the children affected by it immediately began to experience headaches and vomiting, which later progressed into “uncontrollable convulsions while bent over with saliva coming from their mouths.” But when parents and local authorities tried to call on higher-up government officials to take action and help the affected children, their petitions for relief were all but ignored.
Government of Chad attempts to bribe parents into silence
This same cousin, who is referred to by England as “Mr. M.,” added that when Chad’s Minister of Health and Minister of Social Security finally showed up to Gouro nearly a week after the series of paralyzations first took place, they decided to evacuate the 50 paralyzed children to a hospital more than 300 miles away, as there is only one available doctor in the entire region of Gouro.
But rather than try to get to the bottom of why MenAfriVac caused such a serious reaction in the first place, and immediately halt all further distribution of the vaccine until this could be determined, these same government officials actually tried to bribe suffering parents with money to keep quiet about it. According to Mr. M., these officials were more concerned with covering up the dangers of ManAfriVac than with protecting villagers from harm.
“[T]he government and the media have gone silent about the tragedy, while there are still facts requiring clarification,” stated Mr. M. in an email to England about the incident. At this point in time, virtually no media has picked up on this important story. “All this disturbs us and makes us fear the worst effects for the future. [I]t is very sad that (the) entire city is paralyzed.”
Gates Foundation, WHO lie about safety of MenAfriVac
Worse is the fact that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), and The Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP), all of which heavily promote MenAfriVac, have openly lied about the safety of the vaccine by repeatedly claiming it can be transported without refrigeration. The vaccine’s package insert clearly states that it must be stored refrigerated and protected from light.
“Why have major organizations spent $571 million on a vaccination project, when wells to provide access to clean drinking water have been constructed for less than $3,000 by the International Committee of the Red Cross?” asks England in a series of important questions regarding this disastrous situation. “Why has this vaccination program not been suspended, (and) what are these organizations going to do about the atrocity that has happened in Gouro?”
More news on vaccines.
(NaturalNews) One of the latest technologies being employed in the production of new vaccines involves the use of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), a type of pathogenic bacteria that mimics the phospholipids naturally found in the human body, as customizable vaccine adjuvants. But vaccines that utilize this untested technology, which include vaccines for tetanus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza, are now being linked to causing a potentially deadly autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS).
Several recent studies published in prominent medical journals have investigated the connection between APS, which belongs to a wider class of vaccine-induced health conditions known as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), and vaccines, and found that OMVs are directly linked to triggering APS. Like the common vaccine adjuvant squalene, vaccine phospholipid materials, when injected into bodily tissue, can trigger an immune response that ends up causing the body to attack its own natural phospholipids.
As far as the tetanus vaccine is concerned, injections containing OMVs and recombinant (genetically-modified) DNA are being shown to cause blindness, cardiovascular disease, headaches and migraines, miscarriages, skin disorders, ulcers, necrosis, and neurological disorders. And as an increasing amount of vaccines are quietly converted to OMV-based adjuvant blends, the prevalence of APS is also expected to continue rising, as it already has been for quite some time.
"OMVs are even more precisely analogous to human tissue (than squalene), because they are not only lipids, they are phospholipids -- which are precisely what the body attacks in APS," explains Heidi Stevenson from Gaia Health about the growing prevalence of vaccine-induced APS. "Therefore, we can anticipate that there will be ever-more cases of APS as we see the approval of ever-more OMV-based vaccines, which are in the pipeline now."
Cervarix, the HPV vaccine rival to Merck & Co.'s Gardasil, contains OMVs, as do some flu vaccines -- and many more common vaccines are being reformulated with OMVs at this very moment. What this means is that we can expect an increasing number of vaccinated individuals to develop autoimmune symptoms as we move forward into the future. And such symptoms are likely to be systemic, as APS can target virtually all areas of the body.
"People with APS are suffering from phospholipid antibodies that are erroneously destroying parts of the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system -- in short, any part of the body," adds Stevenson about the horrific nature of this relatively new condition. "This self-destruction is induced by vaccine technologies."
Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.
This is about your life. You are that important.
I will be with you all the way. You can't miss out on