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Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/27/2013 2:25:05 PM
Greetings All
I have decided to start this group in Adlandpro again.. My group on Facebook has grown to well over 500 members but I seem to be at a plateau now and we are not growing as fast as i would like.. Toxic mold is destroying lives all over the world and it is one of the least understood causes of illness in existence. I hope that you will join us here as we explore the mysteries of mold and I hope that you will share this information with friends and family. If you are ill and having a difficult time finding a diagnosis or a treatment that helps you,, it may very well be mold that is making you sick. Mold illness will often be misdiagnosed and treated like other illnesses like lyme disease,, lupus,,, MS,, and a host of other illnesses and this could really be detrimental to your health.. For instance,, 2 of the most common treatments for symptoms of mold illness are antibiotics and steroids like prednisone.. Here,, you will learn how these 2 medications can be harmful to your health and how to avoid doing more harm to your health.. Anyone is welcome to begin a new thread on this forum as long as it doesn't get too far off topic.. I doubt if it will be a problem but,, we will not tolerate abuse in any fashion. This group is about caring ,compassion and sharing things that could help others live a better life.. Keep in mind our motto here as you make posts in this group.. " If you are not reaching for a solution, then you may be a part of the problem ". So,,, Welcome Everyone. I am looking forward to a caring and sharing experience here and I hope you are as well..
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/27/2013 9:48:23 PM
I am posting a link to the list of symptoms for mold related illness here.. This is probably the best place to start when trying to solve a medical mystery like mold... Most mold victims have at least 8 of these symptoms.. Many of us have more and it is not uncommon to have 30 or 40 of these... I would copy this list for future reference and that way you can check off all the ones that pertain to you..
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 1:28:07 AM
Good evening Bill and again welcome back to this community. I have followed a little bit when you were talking on Facebook and that is not meant to be rude, more like I am not there as often. What a name...Mold Mare and although it is a "good" play on words, it sounds like a real nasty "nightmare" for anyone who has to deal with it.

I am unsure of what I can add that will be of value, but you can count that I will reading and favoriting this forum.

Dave Cottrell

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RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 2:50:00 AM
Hi Bill, and welcome back. It's good to see you here.

The mold issue is SO important, yet, like long term Lyme disease, the established medical profession is in denial. Meanwhile, there are a lot of people who are suffering from mold related illnesses.

I did some checking into it, because the doctors and specialists could not come up with a diagnosis for my multitude of symptoms. I discovered that it is the toxins given off by mold when it is actively feeding that are toxic, which means that simply covering up a mold problem with paint something is not going to fix it.

Eventually, it turned out I do have Lyme disease, and I am being successfully treated by a Naturopath who can prescribe antibiotics as well as natural products to boost my immune system and flush out the toxins from the antibiotics and bacterial proteins.

But a lot of people who think they have Lyme disease, as you have so accurately pointed out, may be suffering from mold related illness(es).

I would really like to post some of your information on my Lyme website at to make people who think they might have Lyme disease aware of mold related illnesses.

I am trying with that website to make people who think they have Lyme aware that there are a number of other things that might be the problem other than Lyme disease. There is no point in treating the wrong problem.

Thanks for a great forum, Bill, and please keep it up. Let me know if you have a blog article to post on my site.

God bless,

RE: Welcome to our Mold Mare.
6/28/2013 4:55:23 AM
Hi Dave.. It is good to see you again... Actually... lyme was my first diagnosis and it was wrong.. Naturally,,, they pumped me full of antibiotics but I kept getting sicker and sicker... IV antibiotics for 6 weeks was the plan but the plan nearly killed me because it was mold making me ill. Most antibiotics are made from mold and are in fact the very toxins you speak of... Mycotoxins... They just about killed me and they set me up for a long ride through hell with the mold illness... If I would have been diagnosed correctly from the beginning and gotten on the diet and the antifungal regimen I wouldn't be deaf and in a wheel chair now.. I see you found our sister group over on facebook so you will find plenty of information there for your lyme group.. One thing I stress though is always make sure that mold is completely ruled out before you start any treatment regimen... ANTIBIOTICS AND STEROIDS,, LIKE PREDNISONE CAN REALLY HURT YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY TYPE OF SYSTEMIC FUNGAL INFECTION.. Best wishes to you Dave and I will say a prayer for you to recover quickly and completely..
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy