A large percentage of the population would like a home business, but not all are qualified to do so. Network Marketing, in particular, requires certain qualities/characteristics.
One characteristic I find missing with many network marketers is Self-Motivation. When they have no boss assigning tasks, they cannot seem to get started on their own.
Passion is needed to be successful with any business. We must love our product or service and use it ourselves. Passion for our business, the company, helps us to sell the business opportunity to others.
Those with an Entrepreneurial Spirit are the most likely to achieve success. This simply means they have focus and perseverance, and that they can be innovative.
A network marketer must like people and enjoy socializing, or the industry is not a good match for them. Even more than their products, they must be able to sell themselves.
Network marketers must be willing and able to Step Out of Their Comfort Zone. For example, I dislike being in front of a camera, but I know that videos sell. So I create marketing videos periodically and have recorded about a dozen. Viewers of my videos can see that I am nervous, even looking down at my notes while speaking. As uncomfortable as I am, I force myself to create videos, because they work!
Be Coachable. Some people don’t know what it means to be coachable. “'Coachability’ is the willingness to be corrected and to act on that correction. When we are coachable, we are prepared to be wrong... We are willing to let others evaluate… even plumb the depths of our performance because we understand that the journey of personal development cannot be traveled alone.” Timothy R. Clark, from the article, “On Leadership: Are you coachable?”
Those not yet in the industry should ask themselves whether they actually have what it takes. If they do not, they will save themselves and others a great deal of time by seeking another type of work.
There is no test to give prospective team members to see if they qualify. All we can do is interview them to get “a feel” for their background, experience and skills. The attrition rate in network marketing reflects the fact that we can never be certain who does or does not qualify to be a network marketer.
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To learn about Julie Klein and how you can be successful in network marketing, look at the Xpress Healthcare Business Opportunity at http://joinxpresshealthcare.com.