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Don Evans

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Revenue Sharing With JubiMax - No Recruiting Required - Get Paid DAILY
6/8/2013 9:12:17 PM

The vision of the Company is to spark a Global Economic Movement and lead the revenue sharing revolution while empowering people around the Globe to look good, feel good and live good!

Company Overview.

Many people are looking for different ways to help increase our income. But working another ‘job’ and doing more hours just is not feasible with our busy hectic life styles. We have the solution. JubiMax is a company that opens the doors to more income, while not taking your valuable time or life style away. In fact it can lead you into that very life style you have been dreaming about.

Earning an income to suit your needs and desires is no longer a difficult task. There are various ways in this company in which you can earn an extra income, while working from the comfort of your own home in only a couple of minutes a day. This is an extremely powerful business model, and it all started with one company.

A few years ago a company came to the forefront of the ALL home based internet businesses. In just a few short months it had reached 130 on the Alex ranking for being one of the busiest websites in the World. This was an amazing rise through the ranks in such a short time! The Company was shut down after the regulatory agencies found fault with the way the compensation plan was set up, BUT by that stage, leaders in the industry noticed how this ‘business model’ was able to achieve World Wide advertising coverage using the power of the promoters within the company instead of the usual type of paid advertising. This is what all Companies desire for their growth and for the sale of their products. The power of having so many promoters helps to grow the Company a lot faster and return more revenue than any normal home based business.

A few new companies have since come out using this business model, but JubMax has gone one step further. After spending many long hours with lawyers and the regulatory bodies making sure that everything was completely within all guide lines of all laws, they have improved upon what was already an extremely lucrative business model. Not only does this exceed expectations, it is a revenue sharing revolution that has taken the home business industry by storm. Since the company deals with the top selling products, in billion dollar niches, sales are generated through ‘giving’ these products away!

That is the key to the success of this business model. GIVING AWAY much wanted and quality products and in so doing, building an ever increasing customer base with repeat sales!! Couple that brilliant business model with a revenue sharing compensation plan and you have the 2/3 main ingredients for an extremely successful and lucrative business. And what is the 3rd important factor that makes this stand out from the crowd? The fact thateven "Joe" and "Sue average" can earn an unlimited income with no sponsoring! Unlike other internet businesses where most of the income is made by the ‘big guns’ with large email lists and ten’s of thousands of followers, this compensation plan requires NO sponsoring to earn. YES! Finally a compensation plan that looks after the little’guy.

There is absolutely no recruiting required to make money with JubiMax! However, once you start making money here with the DAILY revenue sharing pool, it will be extremely hard for you to keep your success to yourself! And when you start letting your friends and family in on the secret of how you are building your wealth , they too will want to join with you and your income increases once again!

With JubiMax, you can earn an ever increasing income and get paid DAILY working only a few minutes each day!

What kind of work?

Every active JubiMax promoter is required to place ONE, YES just ONE small company produced free classified ad each day. This can be for any of our products. Skin Care, travel, health & nutrition, weight loss, healthy coffee, etc… Then all you have to do is register the add in your back office and you are qualified to earn for that day. You earn "JubiPoints" for your subscription, placing your add, purchasing the products, or giving these products away helping to grow your point balance DAILY.

Each day the Company pays out up to 50% of all company revenue to the promoters. The more JubiPoints you have, the more you earn. As the Company grows and hundreds of thousands of promoters place their one add a day, JubiMx becomes a house hold name known ALL over the World because of the power of advertising. That ONE ad only takes minutes to do and helps build sales of products and so, the Company revenue, which YOU, the promoter share in. Building a solid, extremely easy, and very profitable income that grows DAILY !

We Get Paid 10 Different Ways At JubiMax!

The DAILY revenue sharing program is only one of ten different ways we get paid at JubiMax. And even though there is no recruiting required to make money giving away free products, there are some real good referral commissions built in along the way in some of those other areas for those who do share this amazing opportunity with others. Even more so now with the recent enhancements to the compensation plan (see below).

You can click on the link below to a short 5 minute video that explains how the revenue sharing program works, and get signed up.

JubiMax Webinars

We have JubiMax opportunity webinars several times throughout the week and there is a special promoters UPDATE every Monday night. You can register for the opportunity webinar here and schedule one that best fits your schedule.

You can register for the Monday Night Update Webinar here. NOTE: JubiMax has just made some outstanding enhancements to the compensation plan. It was good before, now it is absolutely awesome! You will want to be on at lease one opportunity webinar to get the big picture, and also on the next Monday night UPDATE to see how close we are to implementing some much bigger referral bonuses for those who promote! NOTE: If you cannot make it to the Monday webinar, they are recorded and available in the back office when you sign into your JubiMax account.

Don Evans


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