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5/28/2013 3:16:18 PM

Do You Wanna Fight? This is War!

by | on May 26, 2013

My friend, Dave Wood, just sent this late yesterday,and I wanted to share it with you for a few specific reasons…

1) I wanted to see if you could identify with our pain.

2) I wanted to echo the fact that no matter how much pain we have to go through, we ain’t going no where.

3) I wanna know if you’re ready to go to war with us?

Read on to see what I mean…..

——- Forwarded message ——-
From: David Wood

I wanted to share this:

Over the past few months, I literally have been through hell and back in business.
I don’t know if you understand what it’s like to step inside
a dream – a vision that you helped create, and in one phone
call, in an instant, it gets taken from you.

I have.

The first time in this industry that I felt like my heart gottorn out was in March of 2010. I had just achieved thedream – a multiple six figure residual income, a live onthe beach in Costa Rica – freedom, and growth all overthe world.
I was earning a huge chunk of my income from a personal development company, and one day, completely out of the blue, the company owner called me, and told me they hadmade a decision to go out of business.

I was heart broken.

It was the first time I had ever had real success in my life,and I felt like I had made it.
In one moment, from a phone call, it was like my dreamwas stolen from me.

I don’t know if you know how that feels.

Most people would have sank into a cave of depression -
…and the truth is, I wanted to.
I had just moved to the beach, was living the dream, and LOVED my company.
First, tears started to come out of my eyes – and it started with just sadness, but I made a decision instead…

…I got back up to fight.

2 days later, I had re-built the income in an entirely new company, and it all came from making a decision, that no one was going to stop me from achieving my dreams – ever.

Four months ago, it happened again.

I launched a company that started out with a simple vision of helping ordinary people create leveraged ‘guru’ money at a scale that you can only do if you’re creating info products.
I wanted to help ordinary Moms, Dads, and Grandma’s earn ridiculous, instant cash flow – without having to go through the pain and frustration of what I had learned.
On October 31st, 2011 – I launched the Empower Network with my friend and business partner, David Sharpe.
In four weeks, we helped people earn more than $1.4 million in commissions, and brought in more than 10,000 paid customers.
I saw blind women in England earning $1000 in their first week, part time Engineers earning $50,000 in 30 days, and other things that I didn’t think were possible to happen in such a short time from a simple internet system.



It started to grow so fast – and I felt like we were just scratching the surface.

Then, a phone call happened, that once again, my heart was torn out.

The banks shut us down.

We were growing too fast, they said.

I wanted to hide in a closet, shut off the light, curl up into a ball, and just sit there biting at a dog bone, or
some other kind of crazy expression of frustration.
I felt like a dirty company owner, who had to call his leaders and tell them that the doors were closed.

But instead, I made a decision.

I got back up to fight.

We got setup again to process transactions after 2 months of grueling pain, putting down a $100,000
reserve, and hundreds of hours of conversations that were so boring…

…a lawyer would die.

Then, a week later, it happened again.




Words can’t express the frustration, when you KNOW that you can change the world, and the
system – society, the ‘Man’ doesn’t want to let you.

I could have curled into a ball.

I could have cried.

I could have quit, right there and then, and decided to not go on.

Instead, I reached down inside myself, and I found something that I didn’t know I had.
I did the unthinkable, round 3 at the count of nine, I rose from the ashes, stumbled to my feet…

…and rose up, swinging.

I got back up to fight.

Now, month four, I refuse, at all costs, to give up on my dream.

And now, as of today, we have 19,689 people in our team, and as of this minute, today have helped people
earn (just today) more than $61,000 in commissions.

I could have quit.

I could have been a damned wussy.

I could have called my team and said:

“Sorry guys, I can’t take the pounding”


…I ain’t a damned wussy.

I rose to my feet, sweat down the sides of my face, and lifted my eyes, swinging.

I got back up to fight.

When you go through pain, don’t you ever quit.

Your family deserves better.

YOU deserve better.

Don’t be a damned wussy.

The world needs you, and you need to make a decision.

Get up, fight back, and win.

Just get in, your family deserves it:


I’m with you – right now, till the end.

Always remember this:

If you aren’t with me on the beaches of the world…

…if you don’t live the dream…

…if your family isn’t living the life they want…

…it’s not because I gave up on you..
it’s because you gave up on me.
I will never leave you – as long as there is a breath in my body, here I stand, fighting.

You can do this, trust me.

You deserve better.

You deserve 100% commissions.

See it here:


Get in here:


Witness the revolution.

David Wood “The Guru Slayer”

(end of the email from Dave)


So do you want to run with us?

If so…..

Click Here and Get ‘All In”:


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About The Author:

Have been doing online marketing for over 10 years now, participating in mystery shoping, blogging, forums, communities, paid-to-read emails and similar programs, online surveys, multi-level marketing, traffic exchanges, social networking & much more. One of my many websites with lots of great programs and tips is; Thanks, Steve Hauser Runningman Martinezshopper & to find out more visit my FB group here.

Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog

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