TimTech will be hosting a huge badge-hunt game for the month of June. You can buy a badge for $25, and give away your badge to unlimited people. One badge can be given away unlimited times. You can place the code on any site or blog, or just tell people the code in your videos or by text message, or any way you want them to be able to receive your badge code after completing a task you want them to complete, such as... You can offer it to people for joining your autoresponder list, or visiting your blog, or signing up for your offers, or for watching your videos, or skyping you or texting you by cellphone...or if you own a traffic exchange, offer it to people for surfing a certain amount of sites for one day or many days. You decide where to place your badge code and you decide what you want the badge-hunters to do to get it. There are currently over 150 badges that have already been purchased and the prize pool is already nearly $900 and it hasn't even started yet. The prize pool goes up by $5 each time another badge is purchased for this game. ==>> You don't need to purchase a badge to be a badge-hunter! The people who have purchased badges are going to place their badge codes all over the internet and give clues to where you can find them! Some of them may be so well-hidden, they may never be found! The person who finds the most badges by June 30th will win the largest prize! This badge-hunt is going to be all over the internet for the entire month of June, driving traffic and leads to hundreds of different places. Contact me for more details or join CTP and see the details for Bill's Birthday Badge Hunt there! http://clicktrackprofit.com/profile/kcvan