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Barbara Delgiudice

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Yes You Can Make Residual Income with Adkreator!
5/18/2013 4:01:07 AM
AdKreator is a good program to refer others to because when members upgrade, they usually stay upgraded. People need AdKreator to build their businesses with.
Making splash/squeeze pages and banners of your own is the best way to get people to know and trust you, so you can build a successful online business.

Showing standard affiliate pages is not the answer to promoting your business. And if you join The Pizza Plan 2, it will help teach you how to grow your
online businesses. You must join and work on the recommended programs in The Pizza Plan 2 for it to work. This is free to join and use.
Because AdKreator is an Evergreen product or long lasting product, It will not crash and burn like so many of the fly-by-night schemes on the Internet.
I also do weekly classes on how to use AdKreator to help you.
AdKreator Classes are on Wednesdays and Fridays 6PM EAST- Just put your name in and sign in.
And I have recorded class videos on my AdKreator Blog.

Have a great day/evening!

Barb :)
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Yes You Can Make Residual Income with Adkreator!
5/18/2013 5:46:38 AM
Hi Barb,

I love AdKreator!

We can also make banners with AdKreator, I'd like to show 2 of the banners I made recently, and these are my highest converting banners, both are getting around a 5% click-thru rate:

This one I made by reducing a splashpage I made on AdKreator so I could make a 468x60 banner from the top 2 headlines of the splashpage:

This one is also made from a reduced splashpage and put onto a red banner background so the ends show the red with the reduced image in the center, and 2 arrows and "Click" and "Here" that I added:

We can also make photo-branded banners, this one is a reduced banner from an affiliate program so I could put my photo next to it:

Barbara Delgiudice

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RE: Yes You Can Make Residual Income with Adkreator!
5/18/2013 5:53:13 AM
Hi Barb,

I love AdKreator!

We can also make banners with AdKreator, I'd like to show 2 of the banners I made recently, and these are my highest converting banners, both are getting around a 5% click-thru rate:

This one I made by reducing a splashpage I made on AdKreator so I could make a 468x60 banner from the top 2 headlines of the splashpage:

This one is also made from a reduced splashpage and put onto a red banner background so the ends show the red with the reduced image in the center, and 2 arrows and "Click" and "Here" that I added:

We can also make photo-branded banners, this one is a reduced banner from an affiliate program so I could put my photo next to it:

Kathleen those are great banners! Good work. Stop by my Skype and I will give you 3 star badges. I can give you one a day. So please remind me.

Barb :)

Dave Cottrell

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RE: Yes You Can Make Residual Income with Adkreator!
5/18/2013 11:41:48 PM
Nice program, Barb. You've done a fine job with it.

Elaine Groff Wolff

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RE: Yes You Can Make Residual Income with Adkreator!
5/19/2013 1:28:25 AM
Thanks for sharing this valuable resource Adkreator!

Join AdKreator

Elaine Groff Wolff