Hey Friends,
I find this to be pretty interesting. How you view this info will determine how serious you are about blogging and getting "found" on the internet.
So HOW on earth do you begin to stand out from this enormous crowd so people find you to read your words of wisdom... that's if you want to ..
You get found by :
1. by owning your own hosted blog/website, not a free blog offered at Wordpres.com, blogspot, or other
2. writing weekly content
How do you measure being found?
1. installing the Alexa toolbar on your computer
2. search engines
ALEXA is the company that collects Global and Local (the country you are in) data on website ranking and traffic.
Bing = #16
Google Search = #1
Facebook = #2
Youtube = #3
eBlogger = #53
wordpress.com = #23
My blog - U Smile Radio has a Global ranking = 1,127,049, USA ranking = 189,787
Here's what I find interesting.
My U Smile Radio blog was created on December 10, 2012. I get very few or none, referrals from search engines. Yet by writing a weekly post and by visitor comments, which provides traffic, has increased the blog's ranking.
If you have a blog on eblogger or wordpress.com, the ranking will only reflect the company's ranking Globally making it impossible to find you independently. Since eBlogger is owned by Google the ranking will refelct Google's influence on the internet, not your personal blog on eBlogger.
Something to think about.
I like to use the ALEXA tool bar as a measure of how I'm doing. IF the numbers "drop", let's say I go from that 1,000,000 to 4,000,000, it means I have not given my blog some attention. So it's a good indicator of how my blog is doing in the world.
Interesting, right?
Lesly :-)