What does getting traffic to your site and You don't love me anymore have in common?Aha!
We read about these situations so often, boy meets girl, they become the perfect couple and everything seems to be going right for them. They like the same things, they nurture each other, adding spice to their lives and then one day it seems the boy is starting to pull back, to act strange and even get distant. The girl goes to the boy in tears and say...you don't love me anymore.
For many people who have a blog or a website, the same scenario is acted out every day. Everything is going perfectly, lots of visitors and even fans are created, the synergy is flowing and everything seems to be going so well, until one day, the owner sees that something has changed, the traffic is dropping and he or she goes..oh no you don't love me anymore! ( slight exaggeration, but not really).
When you get right down to it, whether it be relationships or traffic to a blog or website, things do not happen suddenly, there are always warning signs that trouble is on its way and when it comes to your site losing traffic, then you need to stop and think about what could be causing the problem (s) so that you can fix and make things better.
Without giving it all away ( we all need a bit of mystery to spice up our lives lol) I will say that the 5 reasons are:
1 New competition ...read more about it here 2. content is out of date... read more about it here 3. Shifts in Algorithm Values... read more about it here 4.Caught red handed being a black hat ... read more about it here 5. They're just not into your content... read more about it here.
When you start paying attention to the problems then there is a good chance that you can make things better
...what happened to that boy and girl once the problems were fixed
the boy went to the girl and said..I will love you forever