Falkito is the only system what have a beginner push program what is taking care of those who are not able to build a strong downline.Falkito just want everybody to be successful.There are some revolutionary things in Falkito 1. We are paying the „revenue share“ in a total different way from a non MLM part. This can be up to 3% a day and this for as long as 1 year !2. We are generating partner and clients and we give them to the weaker users3. We are paying money from advertise income to all users who are partner with a revolutionary point system.4. We have the FBS System witch is able to create new clients and partners with just a mouse click........http://www.falkitonetwork.com/?page=register&refby=3748
Falkito is for me is not only a business, i want to show the world that MLM can be fair and success is a matter of organization and for everybody available.-
Thorsten CEO Falcito Inc.