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A Time of Renewal/Rebirth
4/18/2013 1:08:06 PM

The Daily Meditation 04.18.2013

A Time of Renewal/Rebirth

Barbara Kraft, RScP

Barbara Kraft, RScP

Spring is my favorite time of the year (outside of the winds) but even those have their purpose in life and in the renewal process. As we sing in our closing song each Sunday ”What a Wonderful World” “in the brightness of day and the dark sacred night”, there is again the thing that we don’t necessarily like (darkness).

Spirit, God, Universal Oneness is in everything including the wind and the dark night. They are the necessary yin to yang of life. The seeds that are spread by the wind help to fertilize new growth. Nothing that we experience in this life is outside of the One Perfect Presence. We may try to call it bad or outside the One but this is ignoring science that tells us that we live in a closed system. Energy does not get lost it simply morphs…..from the dark to the light, from the wind to the sunshine. All are necessary for the joy and happiness we experience in life. If we did not have sadness or pain we would not know joy and peace.

I give thanks for this day and the sun and the wind. I give thanks for knowing saddness because it brings me joy. I look back over my life and its ups and downs and I can see that I always come back to joy. This builds my faith in knowing that anything that I am not feeling good about, will be replaced with joy. The more I trust and have faith, the fewer of these times I experience and those that do come, leave quickly for this is LIFE.

I am renewed each and every moment, thought, day. I know I am renewed each time I choose how I think and behave.

I am so grateful for knowing this is true and for learning to use it in my life.

Thank you LIFE

Barbara Kraft is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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