The Daily Meditation 04.01.2013
Remembering Who I Am
Nancy Bowers, RScP
![Nancy Bowers, RScP](
I am losing interest in a life half-lived, for I know that there is a better way and that better way is through living and moving and having my being in God. So today, I awaken. I open my eyes to the awareness of the reality that surrounds me, that All That Is is Spirit; All That Is is God; that this Life-force that I live and move and have my being in is Love. It is Support. It is Peace and Harmony and Goodness. It is Abundance and Generosity. This Life-Force, this Energy of Being is God and It is my life, for I cannot be separate from It.
And so today, I remember. I remember how connected I am. I remember that I am God’s blessed child, God’s beloved, God’s cherished. I remember that I am created in the likeness and image of this One Life that is All-Giving and All-Loving. I remember that this is who I am. And just as I know this is true for me, I know this is true for you. You are God’s beloved, cherished beyond imagination; loved with a purity and depth that surpass all human understanding.
And because I remember this, I rejoice. I revel in the goodness of it, knowing that I am blessed daily, constantly, always. I am cherished and loved and taken care of in ways I can’t even fathom. I remember now and I open to the blessings that surround me, knowing that I am forever supported, I am wrapped in Love. I am God’s precious and the kingdom is lain out before me.
And so I accept these gifts and I give thanks. I give thanks for these blessings, I give thanks for this precious life, I give thanks that I have a spiritual community that reminds me of who I am when I fall into my humanity. I am so grateful for it all. It is such a blessing.
And now it is done. I release this prayer, for I know that God has heard me, for He hears me always. I step into my fully-lived life. God kept it for me as a treasure to be shared and I accept it now, for it is already done.
And So It Is.
Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico