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Today I Simply Believe
3/30/2013 2:01:12 PM

The Daily Meditation 03.30.2013

Today I Simply Believe

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

There is One Life and that Life is Perfect! That Life is the One I call God. I invoke it knowing that all I love is already contained in it. I invoke it and know that, as I do, the greatest, most magnificent power is already known to me. And so I simply rest in the knowing, and understand that I am one with It.

I am one with greatest power there is. I am one with all that has ever been known and I am one with all there ever could be. This one gives me wisdom and lets me know that I am peace, love, and perfection. All resources and creativity are available to me when I know my own source.

Today I simply believe. I believe in the good of all humanity. I believe that I am made in the image and likeness of the Divine just like all the people around me. I speak my truth in happiness and peace and know that today is a magnificent day filled with peace, love, and prosperity. I am grateful for all of it.

This gratitude goes out before me now making clear and smooth my way. I am satisfied that it is done.

And So It is.


Rev Martha Quintana is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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