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Let The Spirit Out!
3/29/2013 1:56:10 PM

The Daily Meditation 03.29.2013

Let The Spirit Out

Rev Bonny Rice, Minister

Rev Bonny Allen Rice, Minister

“Let the spirit out – Discard all thoughts of reward, all hopes of praise and fears of blame, all awareness of one’s bodily self. And, finally closing the avenues of sense perception, let the spirit out, as it will.”

Bruce Lee
“I believe that God is to each one what that person is to God.”
Ernest Holmes
The Essential Ernest Holmes
Recognizing the Divine Presence in through and around me, I also perceive the unity and oneness of the I Am. There is only one. My unity is assured. I accept not only the thought but the reality.
I live in an expanding universe that is potent with possibilities and gifts. The possibilities and the gifts are within me and within everyone, touching all that we are and all that we expand into. As this is true for me it is true in the world around me.
The Christ Consciousness of healing is present in the world within and all around. It is present in all of the Cosmos, in world situations, in our government as well as the very cells of my being. I am a demonstration of truth made in clarity and love. I live in a loving universe, where God’s love indwells and permeates all there is and the light of this love and the Christ Consciousness goes before me meeting and greeting everyone.

The gifts that I have been given are shared with all I meet and I dwell in love this day and always.
In deep gratitude I give thanks,
I release and let it be.

Rev Bonny Rice is a Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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