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Richard Mathiason

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God Is My Supply
3/28/2013 1:59:59 PM

The Daily Meditation 03.28.2013

God is My Supply

Alejandro Sifuentes, RScP

Alejandro Sifuentes, RScP -- Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living

In this very moment I know that there is only One power and it is God . This living Spirit is the expression of all life and living . It is uniquely expressed through the vibrancy that pulsates all life . It is the sweetness of love .I am unified in this greatness for it governs and expresses It’s self in me and through me . This harmony that is God pulsates and expresses the perfection in mind body and spirit in me .

I know that all life is in harmony as I move to a greater awareness of my unique expression . My talents and gifts have a unique way of expression. My sensitivity to my environment is my unity with Spirit . For I know what do and how to do it . I am in the flow receiving and sharing my good . Love , joy, peace and harmony are my experiences that fuel my vibrancy .

I thrive in Divine Surplus for God is my supply . I open my heart to a greater expressions of abundance . I know that the sacredness of Love is my experience for I am one in the Divine heart beat of God . I experience love and its sweetness as I share my uniqueness with life .

In thanksgiving I celebrate this moment
Knowing the truth of Love as my essence and expression .
I release these words in to the Law
And I see them manifest now .

And so it is

Alejandro Sifuentes is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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