If You're NOT in the Level 9 Opportunity Yet ~ You MUST READ Below!!! If You ARE in the Level 9 Opportunity Now ~ **You MUST READ Below & TAKE MASSIVE ACTION*** Let|s all work together to Graduate from the Level 9 Income Opportunity with an M.B.A. ~ MASSIVE BANK ACCOUNT $$$ If you are receiving this email you are in a very privileged position! You have positioned yourself in what could be one of those "defining moments" - a point at which the essential character of a person or group is realized, revealed or identified. You need to continue to keep your mind focused on the simplicity of the earning potential attached to the Level 9 opportunity. Tell everyone you know that they can enhance their life by using one of the latest and greatest trends for delivering products or services to the world. One little word sums it up: Apps! With this one little word a whole new breed of entreprenuers ready themselves to carve out their piece of the huge global market! On April 20, 2013 Level 9 will payout the March commissions! So don|t delay! You need to become either a Senior Brand Partner with 3 personally enrolled Brand Partners and receive a 25% Matching Matrix Check Bonus on your personally enrolled Brand Partners, or better yet, become an Executive Brand Partner with a minimum of 6 personally enrolled Brand Partners and receive a 50% Matching Matrix Check Bonus on those personally enrolled Brand Partners. U can also earn without referring people. Each of you have taken advantage of this $9.95 turnkey opportunity. Now go share it with someone you know and love! Watch my movie: https://www.l9app.com/coachadrian