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Richard Mathiason

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Invite Me as a Friend
I Believe In Myself
3/17/2013 12:44:35 PM

The Daily Meditation 03.17.2013

I Believe in Myself

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

There is no god but God. There is only that One. I call It forward knowing, as I call It, I call forth Unlimited Potential, Grace, Life, Harmony, Good, Health. I call forth Love. Love is the order of the day, and it arrives as me this morning.

I am pure love, unlimited in my own potential, and I call forth all the qualities of God in me. I am grace, life, harmony, good, health. I am love. This love that I am summons all creativity I have inside. I am love, pure and simple.

Knowing this, I affirm and declare belief in myself. I am exactly who I need for my life and all events that have transpired until now have been for my highest good. I see beyond any appearance of ill will and I see beyond any appearance of limitation. My highest good is unfolding even as I write, even as I speak, exactly as I am. I am my highest good and I am the channel for blessing, love, and happiness in my life.

Thank you, God. Thank you, Divine Self. I am so grateful to know that the Highest God and the Innermost God are the same God, and that as I speak to myself, that innermost good reveals itself in the most beautiful ways. I am so grateful to know myself through the eyes of Good and to know that what I see is Truth. Thank you.

I release these words now to do my bidding.

And So It Is.


Rev Martha Quintana is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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