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Luella May

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Unwarranted Off-label Psych Drug Prescriptions are Dooming Millions of Children'
3/11/2013 2:37:18 AM

Unwarranted Off-label Psych Drug Prescriptions are Dooming Millions of Children's Lives

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) Our children are being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs at an increasing rate and at ever younger ages and often the drugs, which are now being prescribed for children as young as under one-year-old, are being prescribed for off-label uses other than what the FDA approved the drugs for.

Perhaps it is not surprising to see parents and doctors alike opt for controlling children's behavior with drugs in a country where "me generation" parents often put their needs and desires first and where we have been conditioned to look for cures in a bottle. However, such choices can have devastating results: children's brains being ruined, their future health damaged, and growing up dependent on anti-psychotic drugs. Read More.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives