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Start Your Own Local Advertising And Marketing Business
3/10/2013 4:41:44 AM

Many years ago, I used to hear about people starting a business on a "shoestring budget." It goes without saying that, today, there is so little money left to be entrepreneurial!

However, all hope is not lost when it comes to understanding that, having the self-determination and drive to succeed, starting a business may be within reach when you become aware of the tools that can make one's desire a reality.

The one tool that escapes notice as an important one to customer retention and repeat business is the email autoresponder. Many people do not even know what an email autoresponder or email capture system is!

The email autoresponder allows the user to send out a newsletter, copy and paste ads, alerts, and any other communication to a database of collected emails. How can this information translate into starting a local advertising or marketing business where what you earn depends upon the effort you put into it?

The mantra of internet marketing is: The Money Is In The (Email) List. is an email capture autoresponder messaging system. We can manage any size email database collection. The purpose of this system is to provide email-based copy and paste alerts, followups, special events, discounts, or any other sales marketing messages in plain text or HTML to a company's database of collected customer emails.

Your advertising and marketing business to local businesses will allow you to set the amounts to charge for the following services:

Setting up an email collection website for new business.

Implementing advertising and marketing campaigns for your clients.

Sending out monthly invoices to maintain system services.

Your self-employment business can charge any amount for the fee that you will pay to maintain your customers' email database. You do not work for You will be working for yourself.

There is no limit to the income potential here. The amount of effort put into setting up an advertising and marketing business will determine your income.

Everyday, businesses are letting walk-in customers go without any means of getting the most out of their business relationship and enjoying the benefits of customer retention using email marketing as the preferred method for securing repeat business. Do you have what it takes to
sell this idea? So, what businesses or service providers can use this service?

How about the automotive service company! They do the oil change, but do they send followups to remind the customer of the next oil change date? What about specials on service? Email autoresponders can get that repeat business on steroids!

What about the cosmetic fragrance sales person! Have you ever received a postcard from your beauty expert letting you know about an upcoming or current sale event? Here is a very interesting fact about postcard usage versus email capture:

Did you know that the current price of a followup postcard is now $.33? This means that you can send a postcard to 45 or 57 people for $15 and $19, respectively. If you use the email messaging system of frequently to do your followups, you can reach 600 to 4000 email recipients for $15 and $19 monthly, respectively. Which method would you prefer using?

The types of businesses that can use this email autoresponder service are endless. The savings are enormous when you realize that the customers are "repeat business," in other words, a "targeted client base."

The only question that remains is: Who is up to the challenge of starting their own advertising and marketing business where they can write their own paycheck? Could this be YOU?

Harold F Washington

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