The Daily Meditation 03.04.2013
My Prayers Are Always Answered
Nancy Bowers, RScP

“…Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always….” John 11, 40-41
How sweet it is to bask in God, to step into this One Loving Presence that surrounds me and embraces me; to hold court with the Father that hearest me always. In this moment, I stand in recognition of the One Power, this One Presence, the Thread of All Life, this Energy, this Essence that I call God. And in this recognition, I sink deeper into the awareness of this Presence. I feel Its Essence. I sense the Truth of Its Beingness: God is the Pulse of Life, the Heartbeat of the Universe. It is the Breath of Being, the Life-force flowing through everything and everybody. It is the Source of All Good. It is Beauty. It is Light. and It is Omniscient, knowing all, seeing all, being all. It is Love. It is Joy sublime . It is the Father who listens always.
And I know that this One Life is mine. It is the truth of who I am for I am made of it and I cannot be separate from it. I know that this Life-force that I call God beats my heart, pulses my life-blood. I am one with Its essence, and because I am one with Its essence, I know that I too am Its love; I too am joy sublime. I am one with the light, the beauty and the goodness of God, for that is my birthright, the truth of my being. I am the hearing and the heard. I am the seeing and the seen. I am God’s mirror and I honor that and embrace it, allowing myself to remember that truth always. And just as I know this is the truth of my being, I know this is the truth of each and every person. My brothers and sisters, my fellow travelers in this journey called life, are all the beloved children of God. I see it in them. I hear it in their voices. I remember it always.
And because we are all children of That One Life, that Goodness, that Beauty, I know we are blessed beyond belief. We are always heard. We are always seen. I claim for each of us God’s goodness. I claim the awareness of how blessed we are. I claim for us, the certainty that our prayers are always heard. I know for myself, I am always heard, that my words are prayers and that those prayers are always answered. I know that I am God’s beloved, blessed beyond belief, cherished continuously. I am God’s blessing and I am God’s blest.
And I am so very grateful to be so very blessed. I know I am always heard. I know my prayers are always answered and that God always says yes. I am so very grateful that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom and I am thankful for this always. I live in constant appreciation; I bask in the sweetness of the glory of God’s generosity. My prayers are an endless expression of thankfulness.
And because my prayers are always heard, I release them. They are not mine to tend to, for they now belong to God. This means are already done, and there is nothing more for me to worry about. God has it covered and for that I am eternally grateful.
And So It Is.
Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico