If you are looking for a "Work-From-Home" opportunity. There are a whole lot of them to be found on the internet. Unfortunatly, about 99.9% of everything people are promoting on thei nternet DOES NOT WORK. At least not long term. They are here today and gone tomorrow!
Is There Anything Out There That Does Work?
Well, yes there are but, they are extremely hard to find! Take it from me. I retired early at ago 50 and have been involved with one home business opportunity or another for 25 years now, and have never made any real money. I came close twice (I thought). A few years ago, I had downlines of more that 10,000 people in TWO different Network Marketing companies and thought I was set for life. What happened?
In both cases, they changed the compensation plan dramatically. Made it almost impossible for new people to make money. To make a long story short, they cut me right out of the money. Both are still out there today. With a few good sales people at the top bringing in some big money selling people on a dream that will not work!
Amway is still around after more that 30 years. So is Mary Kay. And a handful of others. I would not recommend either one of those though. Unless you are willing to work real hard at it for a long, long time. In fact, most people who get involved in any Network Marketing (MLM) program never even make enough money to pay for their products and drop out along the way. Why is that?
WARNING! I am going to say some negative things about the Home Business Industry here. Keep in mind that I speak from experience. 25 years of it. This is the way it is.
Now, to answer that question.
Most Network Marketing compensation plans are not designed to work for YOU anyway! They are designed so that the company makes money, and the big hitters (i.e. professional sales people) make money, but everyone else goes away empty handed! Don't ever get involved with a company with a pay plan structured around a matrix! Those things NEVER work. That talk about spillover from your upline to fill your matrix, but that never happens.
You should also stay clear of all those so called PASSIVE income money games that are cropping up all over the place now. Those are illegal pyramid schemes. Plain and simple. They just want your money. Oh, they make it look and sound real good but, keep this in mind, if there is no real tangible product involved, it is not going to work. They wait until there is a lot of money in the pot, then take the money and run! And if they stay around too long, the government is going to close them down!
I could go on and on about all the companies and programs that do not work. Instead, RIGHT NOW I want to tell you about something that does work.
JubiMax has been taking the home business world by storm since the website went up on the 1st Of February! We are closing in on 35,000 new members WORLDWIDE already!
As a JubiMax member, you can save up to 80% off the cost of our own line of HIGH QUALITY personal care products. Right now we have Skin Care, Weight Loss, Energy Drinks and Vitality (with much more to come!). These are the same kind of products you probably already buy. Simply transfer your purchase from wherever you buy now to our online store and save up to 80%!
I also want you to know that There Is No Recruiting Required To Make Money With JubiMax!
I won't go into a lot of detail about the compensation plan here. Instead, I will give you a link for our webinar introduction and let you hear it direct from the company. That will show you exactly how this works. What I will say is that what we are talking about here is probably the very best financial opportunity that either one of us are likely to ever see! This is THE ONE where you have the potential to change your financial destiny!
Get Signed Up NOW. It's free to join!
This is the link for the DAILY opportunity webinars. They are held frequently so you can schedule one that best suits your schedule.http://www.jubirevwebinar.com
Don Evans
(719) 390-0561
Email: hbndon@juno.com