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Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
2/7/2013 2:15:43 PM

The Daily Meditation 02.07.2013

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Chris Duvall, RScP

Chris Duvall, RScP - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

“Change your thinking, change your life!” What a relief to realize that old worn-out habits of thought can be dealt with, and stressful messages from the environment can be addressed — simply through a shift in mental perspective.

For example … instead of cringing when I notice the sneezing and sniffling around me at this time of year, I’m asking, “Why not catch Health instead of catching a cold?” If you’d like to catch Health too, why not memorize this prescription from Dr. Ernest Holmes?

“We should daily affirm: There is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is my life now. Every organ, action and function of my physical body is in harmony with the Divine life. There is perfect circulation, perfect assimilation, and perfect elimination. If there is anything in me that does not belong, it is removed. If there is anything that my physical being needs that it does not appear to have, it is supplied. My body is daily renewed after that image of perfection of it that is held in the Mind of God …

I affirm then, that my body is the Body of God; it is a body of right ideas all working in harmony with each other. The Life of the Spirit does circulate through it; the Law of the Spirit does govern it; the Love of the Spirit does sustain it. Therefore, I sleep in peace and wake in joy and live in the continual acceptance that life is good. My whole experience is of God. My whole life is God in action, for I am One with All-Life and All Power.” (from 365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes­ – January 27.

May you experience abundant health and strength this day and always!

Chris Duvall is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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