The Daily Meditation 01.17.2013Gratitude “SUBSTANCE AND SUPPLY”
“The Substance of the Spirit is my Daily Supply. I cannot be without my Good. I can see that the constant stream of Life, flowing to me, brings into my experience all that makes Life happy and worthwhile. I rest in security, knowing that Infinite Good is within and is expressing through me.” Affirmation: “I receive my good.” ‘Science of Mind’ by Ernest Holmes Dear Father, Mother, God, I know from the bottom of my heart that You are the one and only source of my daily supply. This fact fills me with overflowing gratitude. First and foremost, I give thanks for the knowledge that I am part of you and therefore can manifest anything if I believe in your promise to provide it for me. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)” Thank you, God, for this promise and for keeping it! At this point in my prayers I speak my word for that which I would like to manifest. Today it is different as I just say Thank You to You, God for everything that you have manifested for me, now and always. It is so comforting to know that you are always present in my life. So, with gratitude in my heart and speaking my words of thanksgiving I end this prayer with… And So It Is!