We are a team of ordinary marketers just like you who have found a unique and very effective way to get referrals for our favorite traffic exchanges.
This has worked so well for us and we've set up a new site featuring fourteen 2x5 matrices and we are now using the same system to build them.
And it works really well for this too!
You can join as a free member and check out how it works. A one-time $4.00 ad pack purchase gets you a position in Matrix 1. Joining a Blitz Team is optional but highly recommended because our system will then help you fill your matrix.
Not only that but you get the chance to add YOUR favorite advertising sites to our system which will help you get referrals for those too!
And if that's not enough, our members also get access to the following free features:
Splash Page Builder - making your own unique splash pages is the best way to get referrals.
Downline Builder - add your own programs.
Downline Mailer - your own personal mailing list is a must for success.
URL Cloaker and Tracker - know where your sign-ups are coming from to improve your promotions.
URL Rotator to advertise one link instead of advertising multiple websites.
Ad Board - lots of exposure for your business.
Directory - even more exposure :)
Built-in autoresponder with follow-up emails for your leads - let us close the sale for you.
Basically, you have everything you need to be successful!
Come and join us today and let us help you succeed!
To your success
Hans R.Brand