*** THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF BROKE *** 1. The type of broke where you just accept it & live paycheck to paycheck... or day to day... if you lose your job you think “so what, I’ll just collect $200-$400 in unemployment”…You have no drive & have no belief that you can do bigger things. 2. The type of broke, similar to number 1 (financially), but you have ambition, you know that you won't be broke forever, you do something (even if they are small steps) EVERY DAY that will lead you to a day where you're not broke. You're broke, but you are still investing something (whether your time, effort, or little money) to make a dividend for you in the future. Start your Motor Club of America / MCA business today at: www.tvcmatrix.com/daniellecalhoun Click on the Green Link. Earn $80 for each new sign up.